

Steeple and Church at Combray : week 5

Interior & exterior Combray church photos at the Ecclesiastical Proust Archive :: WOW! There's an outstanding search feature, so you can search for Combray church windows and color!
Walking Combray  :: Someone went to Illiers-Combray & took pictures.
Map :: Modern
..."The [tea] leaves, which had lost or altered their own appearance, assumed those instead of the most incongruous things imaginable, as though the transparent wings of flies or the blank sides of labels or the petals of roses had been collected and pounded, or interwoven as birds weave the material for their nests."
  • Daily Proust … This writer from S.C. started reading & blogging. Here are his church entries. Looks like he didn’t finish. Or at least he stopped blogging.


Combray (vol I): Pages for October 2009

(Enright paging; yours may differ)
Week 5
Combray. Aunt Léonie’s two rooms (66); her lime-tea (69). Françoise (71).

Week 6
The church (80). M. Legrandin (-). Eulalie (93). Sunday lunches (97). Uncle Adolphe’s sanctum (99). Love of the theater: titles on posters (100).

Week 7
Meeting with “the lady in pink” (104). My family quarrel with Uncle Adolphe (109). The kitchen-maid: Giotto’s “Charity” (110).

Week 8-
Reading in the garden (115). The gardener’s daughter and the passing cavalry (121). Bloch and Bergotte (124). Bloch and my family (125).

Week 9-
Reading Bergotte (129). Swann’s friendship with Bergotte (135). Berma (135). Swann’s speech mannerisms and mental attitudes (135). Prestige of Mlle Swann as a friend of Bergotte’s (138; cf. 582). The curé’s visits to Aunt Léonie (142). Eulalie and Françoise (148).

Gopnik on the Dreyfus Affair

Found this in last week's NEW YORKER Magazine. Dreyfus becomes important later in A LA RECHERCHE. Gopnik mentions Proust in the middle of the piece. There's also a nice podcast on the site. Extremely important politics & anti-Semitism, 1896.